
Safety for you and your family

The hidden dangers surrounding renovations of homes with asbestos have been once again highlighted during the recent publicity surrounding the rollout of the National Broadband Network.

Up until 1982 many homes may have been built with asbestos products such as flat fibrous-cement sheeting products and corrugated roofing material up until 1986. These products can become a health hazard when people are exposed to asbestos fibres and dust during demolition, drilling or cutting of asbestos products.

It is important to know and understand the dangers of exposure especially when families with children are in close proximity of these renovations.

It is also important to ensure that expert contractors who are trained in the safe handling of these materials undertake any removal and disposal of asbestos products.

It must be clearly articulated and understood that exposure to asbestos fibres or dust can cause serious health issues such as Asbestosis, Lung Cancer or Mesothelioma. Asbestosis is characterised by a progressive disease of the lungs that increases breathlessness over time. Mesothelioma is a more rare for of cancer that may affect the chest cavity lining and/or lungs and less often the abdominal cavity and abdominal organ linings.

The insidious nature of the problem lies in the fact that the disease can appear many years after exposure but the likelihood of contracting one of these diseases increases with prolonged exposure.

Materials containing asbestos must be removed by specialist contractors experienced in the safe removal and disposal of the cement sheeting in registered landfills that have been specially set up to handle asbestos building materials.

At Safe Check Inspections we are experts in identifying building materials containing asbestos and we are able to recommend appropriately qualified contractors to remove and dispose of the material from your property.


Protection for your family's health

Your home may be hosting a veritable bounty of microorganisms that are too small for the eye to detect but can pose a threat to you and your family's health.

Some of the most insidious that can affect your family's health include toxic moulds such as rising damp.

In general terms Moulds are living organisms much like mushrooms and other fungi that reproduce by releasing spores into the atmosphere. These mould-generated spores can be responsible for ailments such as asthma, bronchitis and ever the recurrence of flu or colds.

The average home is a good breeding environment for mould with its abundance of paper, paint and clothing which are a good source of food for mould. A high proportion of mould problems can be attributed to condensation in wet areas such as bathrooms and laundries. A lower proportion (around 30 percent) can come from rising damp.

Rising damp is more likely to be evident in winter rather than summer. Usually the signs are present in the base of walls. Any water that accumulates there has a tendency to 'rise' through brick, mortar and most other porous material including stone. Dump-proofing courses are designed to block this upward movement of moisture but are not always effective.

Rising damp can result in increased levels of humidity in rooms that in turn can attract cockroach and silverfish infestations as well as dust mites. Another risk is the growth of toxic mould that in turn causes asthma.

Any type of mould growth should be considered hazardous to your health and you should take immediate steps to eradicate it. A simple remedy is to kill mould with a solution of white vinegar. However it is important to also identify the source and underlying cause of the mould. This includes fixing leaking pipes, improving ventilation and removing sources of condensation such as installing extractor fans in laundries and bathrooms.

Rising damp can be cured by replacing or repairing ineffective damp-proof courses, repairing plumbing and improving sub-floor ventilation.

At Safe Check Inspections we can identify the source of the problems and recommend appropriate solutions.