Safe Check Inspections

Peace of mind

Most people spend the better part of their working lives paying off their home. With the best of intentions it is not always possible to identify potential problems before you purchase your next property.

How many times have you turned on the TV to see how a hard working couple bought what they thought was their dream home only to realise they were living in an nightmare? Are you about to commit the same mistakes as they did? Are you looking for a home to raise your family or looking forward to retirement in a nice place with no issues lurking around the next stump? Have you done your homework?

Some of the issues facing homebuyers today include shoddy workmanship, lack of maintenace, shortcuts, lack of adherence to building code, and plain old bad luck! How can you tell if your home wasn't damaged by flood and it's all been covered up. Regardless of whether you're buying or selling it's good to know if there are issues.

As a home owner even if you're not planning to sell any time soon it's worth knowing if there are hidden dangers lurking in your roofspace or your underfloor. Did the plumer that fixed the shower actually connect it to the right waste disposal pipe? Or is the shower connected to nothing but the dirt under your home? Don't laugh, we've seen this in homes that we've inspected.

Are you sure that the possum that's been eating your dandelions is not living in your roof? Or much worse, has set up home inside your disused chiminey? Yep, been there seen that! Unless you go looking, and know where to look, you won't find many of these issues until you use an expert.

That's where an expert with over 40 years building trade experience can be your best ally.


Pre-Purchase Inspection Report

Armed with a a thorough and comprehensive Pre Purchase inspection report you can be in a better negotiating position with a selling agent.

Identify both existing and potential future problems

Quantify extra costs that may occur after you purchase.

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Home Inspection Report

A Pre-Purchase report can also assist in the selling of your property...

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New Construction & Frame Inspections
  • If you're in the process of building, extending or renovating an independent building inspector can help...

  • Frame inspections are carried out once outside cladding is completed and roof is covered...

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